Profil Dosen
Bidang Pengajaran
Minat Penelitian
Pengalaman Karir
Nama | : | Ermita Zakiyah, M.Th.I |
NIP | : | 198701312019032007 |
TTL | : | Kediri/1987-01-31 |
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- S1 STAIN Kediri
- S2 IAIN Sunan Ampel
Kepakaran Mayor
- Studi Qur’an
Kepakaran Minor
- Tafsir Hermeneutika Dan Teologi Al-Qur’an
- Rethingking Tafsir In Psycology Issue
- Hikmatu Syari Dan Hikmatu Tasyrik Dalam Al-Quran
Bidang Pengajaran
Minat Penelitian
Tren Riset
- Islamic Psychology
- Aggregation of Culture and Ideology
- Reinforcement of Islamic Humanism
- Religious Moderation
- Analisis Parenting
- Maudhui’s Method in the Qur’an and Hadist
- Character Building
Riset Terkini
- The rise of the nation during a pandemic with resilience from an Islamic psychology perspective
- Javanese Islamic moderation of Sunan Kalijogo, harmonization of Islamic and Javanese teachings (aggregation of culture and ideology)
- Religiuos moderation in Islamic education with a new paradigm translation of tafsiriyah Muhammad Thalib
- The foundation of understanding the living al-Qur’an as a reinforcement of Islamic humanism in the context of civil society
- Maudhui’s tafsir method in the Qur’an and Hadith on maqasid syariah for economic welfare in Indonesia
- The foundation of understanding the living al-Qur’an as a reinforcement of Islamic Humanism in the context of civil society
- Teosofi (modul pembelajaran tentang mengenal Tuhan).
- Peta moderasi beragama untuk meningkatkan skema toleransi keberagamaan di Muallaf Center Malang
- Maudhui’s method in the Qur’an and Hadith on tafsir maqasid syariah for economic welfare in Indonesia
- Penguatan character builing melalui edukasi pubertas anak usia dasar untuk meningkatkan pemahaman pubertas secara Islami pada siswa MI Diponegoro Gurah Kediri
Pengalaman Karir
Konten Tab