Cognitif Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT FPsi UIN Maliki Malang – Cognitif Therapy, or Cognitif Behavior Therapy (CBT) was found in 1960s by T.Beck as a pioneer, while he was a psychiatrist at the University Of Pensylvania. Having studied and practiced psychoanalysis  Dr. Beck designed and carried out several experiments to test psychoanalytic concepts of depression. He found that depressed patients experienced streams of negative thoughts that seemed to arise spontaneously. He called these cognitions “automatic thoughts.” So, he bagan helping patients identify and evaluate this, and he found that by changing negative thoughts their felt better emotionally and were able to behave more functionally.

         It means, CBT aims to break our negative thingking by changing into positive thingking or more useful and realistic. Dr. Jennifer Wild, Consultant Clinical Psychologist from Kings College London explain that emotional reasoning is very common error in people’s thingking, its happend when you think something must be true because of how you feel. Mayo clinic staff give an example that cognitive behavioral therapy is a useful tool to address emotional challenges like: identify ways to manage emotions, cope with grief, overcome emotional trauma. Mental healt conditions that may improve with cognitif behavioral therapy include: sleep disorder, sexual disorder, depression, bipolar disorders, anxiety disorders, etc.

         There is a little risk getting cognitive bahavioral therapy. Because it can explore painful feelings, emotions and experiences, you may feel emotionally uncomfortable at times. You may cry, get upset or feel angry during a challenging session, or you may also feel physically drained.CBT may not be for everyone, however. Since the focus is on tackling the here and now, people with more complicated roots to their mental problems which could stem from their childhood, for example, may need another type of longer-term therapy to explore this. CBT also relies on commitment from the individual, including “homework” between therapy sessions. It can also involve confronting fears and anxieties, and this isn’t always easy to do. Ultimately, as with many types of treatment, some people will benefit from CBT more than others and psychologists and neuroscientists are beginning to unravel the reasons behind this. (Red.dcp)

Reviewer: Fauzanin Nuryakin

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